Sunday, September 30, 2007

Great Weekend!!

I don't know how everyone else's weekend went...or is still going...but mine was great ! Nothing super special happened to go tell people about really, but it was great for me. My cousin Andria came down with her mom and little girl, Nila. Me and Andria grew up together, we played together as babies and now we both have babies of our own. Nila is 20 months old...ALMOST two ! I can't believe it ! And my Bella Grace is almost 7 months yeah, there's an age difference, but it's still so much fun watching them together. Well anyways,Today Me and Bella Grace met up with my mom, andria , her mom terrie, and nila at Harvey's for lunch, then we walked over to the Jazz and Blues Festival that they were having on the River walk and strolled around listening to music and looking at all the art booths they had set up, then Andria and Em' came over to my house for a bit then tonight Me , Bella Grace and my mom went over to my Aunt Mary's ( that's where andria is staying while she's visiting , my aunt is her grandmother ) ok .....still with me? so we went over there and we had a mary kay party....those are always fun, getting to do facials and put on makeup...i ended up spending more money that i wanted to but oh well....i'll buy anything just about to keep my face looking young...30 is knocking on my door it yeah, i had a great time and i really miss andria living here...she lives in atlanta's better than her living in North Carolina like she was...atleast she's not that far away now. So me , bella grace and my mom are going to tuscaloosa tomorrow to do a little shopping, i'm buying Bella Grace's halloween costume there , i'm praying they still have the one i want. I really should've gotten it when i saw it the first time...anyways, i hope all of you had a great weekend too !!

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